Description: Setting up Forms
Welcome to The Audit Hub User Guide - Setting up Forms.
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Description: Setting up Forms
A ‘Form’ on Audit Hub is the collection of ‘points’ (usually questions but they can be statements) which together cover all aspects under inspection, to ensure that every piece of relevant data is collected during an assessment. Forms can range from a simple list of questions of equal importance, to a complex hierarchy, with differing weighting, divided into sections and...
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Description: Setting up Forms
When you first log into the Audit-Hub system, the home page ‘My Workplace’ will appear.
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Description: Setting up Forms
There are two important aspects which relate to the scoring, both of which need to be completed before going on to put the questions into the actual Form. ● The compliance scheme for the Form, and ● The rating of the responses.
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Description: Setting up Forms
This enables you to allocate a level of compliance against an answer. For example, responses may vary from satisfactory, to minor, to major and finally critical being the worst case scenario. This is displayed in the screen below:
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Description: Setting up Forms
‘Id’ column - is a unique system generated sequential reference number for every compliance level. It is not integral to the building of the compliance scheme and is not something to be concerned about.
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Description: Setting up Forms
The up and down arrows allows resequencing on the screen. The levels of compliance can be moved, either by using these icons to move up or down one space at a time or drag and drop when hovering over the cross ( Hint - these arrows appear in a number of places in Audit Hub and perform this function every time).
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Description: Setting up Forms
To create the compliance scheme which will be specific to your Form,
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Description: Setting up Forms
The above screen has had three more levels added. It shows ‘No’ in the green and amber box indicating that when it was created, the non-conformant button was NOT ticked for these two levels. Both levels are considered to be conformant. Below are the final lowest levels of compliance, flagged as red and black, and containing the word Yes in the non-conformant column indicating that...
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Description: Setting up Forms
If you create a level which you later wish to remove, you can do this by clicking on the edit icon and pressing delete. This removes the level from sight. However the level can be later viewed (and even restored) by ticking the ‘Show Inactive levels’ box on the ‘Levels’ tab. Remember that you will have to publish this amended scheme in order to make it live.
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Description: Setting up Forms
Once you have saved the final version which you wish to use, you need to ‘publish’ this version using the publish button. Once you press ‘publish’, this version will be visible on the ‘versions’ tab as live and will be the version which is available to use.
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Description: Setting up Forms
You can make changes to an existing compliance scheme in the same way as described above for deleting a compliance level. Either add new levels, or go into a level using the Edit icon link and change it or delete it completely. Once again, you must publish it in order to make it live, and for it to be the version that is used going forward.
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Description: Setting up Forms
The Compliance schemes are all version controlled and can be seen if you select the tab ‘versions’. The ‘live’ one is the version that is available for use at that time, with a log of any previous versions.
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Description: Setting up Forms
Once you have published the compliance scheme you will need to create a rating scheme in a very similar way. Using the ‘Forms’ selection on the left hand side, hover over the ‘definitions’ and select Rating Scheme.
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Description: Setting up Forms
In the same way as the Compliance scheme was set up, a rating scheme also needs to be in place before a Form can be created. It is also put together in a very similar way.
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Description: Setting up Forms
The next step is to link the Rating Scheme to the Compliance Scheme created earlier. In the example below it will be linked to the scheme which we set up earlier called ‘FM Compliance Scheme’. If the compliance scheme is set up correctly and published it will come up as an option for the rating scheme to be linked as below. If it does not appear in the list of possible compliance...
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Description: Setting up Forms
Next you must select a scoring method, of which there are two to choose from, ● A compliance based score ● A percentage based score
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Description: Setting up Forms
Where a completed assessment has been scored using the compliance method, it will be given an overall rating depending on the paraments which have been set in the system. These parameters take into account the number of times questions have been scored using their compliance levels (Satisfactory, Minor, Major or Critical) throughout the assessment.
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Description: Setting up Forms
In the last screen you will also see that the colour of that rating band background and foreground colour can be chosen in the same way as the compliance scheme which we have covered previously. The other drop down selection which needs to be selected is for ‘Status’ as each rating can be given either a pass or a fail. If the pass status is selected then any question marked with that...
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Description: Setting up Forms
● critical fail - this rating would be automatically selected where certain responses in an assessment are chosen. It does not affect the final assessment score but the assessment fails due to the chosen responses. An example might be: Is a fire door working? The response ‘No, the fire door does not open’ could trigger a critical fail in the Form and would automatically give this...
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Description: Setting up Forms
It has already been noted that final schemes must be published if they are to go ‘live’. If there is already a rating scheme linked to a compliance scheme, and the compliance scheme has been changed (ie it is no longer the live version), the system will notify you. In effect, a changed compliance scheme automatically turns its rating scheme to draft (rather than live) so that the user...
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Description: Setting up Forms
Forms are all versioned in the same way as the two schemes above to assist in keeping track of the most recent one.
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Description: Setting up Forms
Select your Form using the Edit button to open it up and see a number of tabs across the top which have been used to create the features of this assessment. In the screen below, you can see the tab ‘edit’ is selected.
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Description: Setting up Forms
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Description: Setting up Forms
This is simply a list of the sections that have been created in the form.
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Description: Setting up Forms
This allows a review process before the assessment is actually scored or sent out. If the Yes button is selected, then an assessment will queue up for a reviewer to go through before it is released. (If a person is signed in as a reviewer, they will see a list of assessments waiting to be reviewed).
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Description: Setting up Forms
If this is enabled using the ‘yes’ button, then this assessment will form part of the Corrective Action Management. In the Compliance Scheme set up, any response which had the non-conformant button ticked will be included in the Corrective Action Management. Further information about the Corrective Action Management can be found in this manual.
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Description: Setting up Forms
This allows standards and skills to be added into the system, which are necessary in order to have a competent assessor for this assessment.
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Description: Setting up Forms
A newly created Form will have had a scoring and rating scheme assigned to it already and once this is done then it is a case of inputting questions and sections. These sections will contain questions and may also contain another section (a ‘nested’ section) within it, depending on how the final definition needs to work. This screen shows an example Form where two sections have been...
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Description: Setting up Forms
This is an area which can be used by a client to specifically relate this section to an internal standard set by that client. It is not a mandatory requirement for building a Form since not all clients have a set of internal standards. They are displayed on certain reports.
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Description: Setting up Forms
If this is ticked, then the section does not have to be answered in order to complete the assessment. The section can be turned off during the assessment. If it is left unticked, then the person doing the assessment must complete it to be able to finish the assessment. For example, a section about a Rotisserie in a Supermarket, may be relevant to some sites but others may not have one, so the...
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Description: Setting up Forms
If selected, then this section will not be displayed by default. It will be turned on by a response to a previous question in the assessment. For example, a question ‘Does the supermarket have its own carpark?’. If the answer is No, then the person doing the assessment continues to the next question. However if the response Yes is selected, then this section of questions (presumably...
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Description: Setting up Forms
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Description: Setting up Forms
Once you have selected Question when prompted, the question text needs to be added in the box. (Hint - Make the question as precise and concise as possible, the ‘neater’ the question, the better it looks on the tablet)
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Description: Setting up Forms
You have the options of: ● Free Text - as it sounds, gives the person doing the assessment the opportunity to write free text. ● Single Option - can only choose one answer out of a number of answers ● Multi Option - can choose a number of answers.
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Description: Setting up Forms
Single Line - Recommended where the answer options are short eg Yes, No,or Satisfactory, Minor, Major, Critical. These responses can all be viewed at the same time.
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Description: Setting up Forms
If ticked then the questions must be answered. The assessment cannot be completed unless a required question is answered.
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Description: Setting up Forms
If the client wants a reference to be added to the question this is where it should be put. If not, then the box is left blank.
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Description: Setting up Forms
This is useful information that can be added and is available for the person doing the assessment to refer to during the assessment. For example if there are certain parameters which are compliant and outside of these is not compliant, then those parameters can be reinforced here and the person doing the assessment can refer to them as a reminder.
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Description: Setting up Forms
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Description: Setting up Forms
Where a question is answered by selecting a number of different possible responses and each answer has a different score, then the system can take with the worst case scenario by selecting Absolute Worst Result, or the best case scenario by selecting the Best Result. Which one you choose depends on how you want the Form to score - best case or worst case scenario.
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Description: Setting up Forms
These are sets of questions which have some kind of connection even though they are not positioned together in the Form. An example of this could be ‘Fire Risk’. Questions about fire risk may be spread throughout the Form (if the form follows a route through a building for example). However all the fire safety related questions, can be linked together as a Reporting Set, and used to...
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Description: Setting up Forms
The screen below shows the Reporting tab on the left hand menu, then hovering over the arrowhead next to Configeration, will give you the option of Reporting Sets. This example already has 6 reporting sets created.
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Description: Setting up Forms
If we go back to when we were creating questions, then once you have create a new question, you can assign it to a reporting set at that time.
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Description: Setting up Forms
Open up the question by clicking on the arrow head next to it. This will display any responses which are already there, along with a further indented ‘Add New’ button. Use this ‘Add New’ button to put in all the responses.
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Description: Setting up Forms
The Edit tab gives the option to include any triggered sections (sections which will open up if this response is selected). An example of this might be where a site may have a carpark, then a Yes response to the question ‘Does this site have a car park?’ would open up another section containing questions about the car park.
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Description: Setting up Forms
The Scoring tab allows you to put in the score for the response as well as a compliance level for this response. You can see in this case that it is a ‘Minor’ to have a mop and bucket blocking the exit.
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Description: Setting up Forms
If the critical fail button is ticked against a certain response, and this response is selected in the assessment, then the assessment will be a critical fail, irrespective of the overall score. To ensure that this Critical Fail selection will work, it must have been enabled in the rating scheme linked to this Form.
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Description: Setting up Forms
If you do not want this response to be taken into account in the final score, then this should be ticked. The score of the assessment will not be influenced at all by this response.
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